The Harvest Table
Lemons are well known for their vitamin C content (187% of the daily value per serving) which is known to support a healthy immune system response. That is only one of the many powerful constituents found in this tart and tangy fruit. Some of the other compounds found in lemon are citric acid known to support healthy kidney function, Hesperidin know to support blood vessel health, Diosmin known to support healthy circulation and also may support a healthy inflammation response, D-Limonene which is the main component of lemon essential oils and responsible for the wonderful smell that lemons have.
Acid or Alkaline? This amazing fruit is made up of about 5% acid and has a pH level of 2-3 so therefore is considered acid in nature. Although inside the human body, when a lemon is metabolized and its minerals are dissociated in the blood the lemon takes on an alkalizing effect and raises the body's pH level to slightly above a 7. A pH balanced system may help to support the ability for the body to function at more optimal levels. A simple act of drinking a glass of water with lemon every morning can help create a more healing environment for the body.
Do lemons nourish the liver? Besides lemons ability to possibly support healthy bile production there is some good science supporting how lemons may support healthy liver function. According to a study in 2014 published in "Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology", the constituent naringenin may calm liver inflammation.
Lemons are a simple cost-effective food for replenishing the body of electrolytes. Whether in the summer as a refreshing lemonade or in the winter as a hot drink with honey to nourish and soothe the body: it is very restorative. Our amazing lemon powder is now just one more easy way for you to incorporate this wonderful food into your daily life.