Natural Products
Dried African Potato (Hypoxis rooperi) - 100g
- Dried African Potato (Hypoxis rooperi) is native to South Africa.
- Increase immune function.
- May be useful in counteracting urine afflictions.
- Has said to be a fruitful for treatment of Asthma and Tuberculosis.
- Is said to be effective in overcoming blood loss at the time of injury.
Dried African Potato (Hypoxis rooperi) is native to South Africa.
Use Benefits:
Boosts the immune system through increasing the function of T-cells it balances over-or-under active immune systems
African Potato is said to be excellent for urinary tract infections
Said to fight and slow down the growth of certain kinds of cancer
Helps body fight illnesses, diseases and allergies
Because it boosts the immune system it is also used for HIV patients
Combats “yuppie flu” and alleviates arthritis
Warnings & Disclaimer:
Safety and effectiveness have not always been proven
Some of these conditions are potentially serious and should be evaluated by a qualified healthcare provider
Avoid using during pregnancy
You should always consult a naturopath or medical practitioner before use
As a Tea
Use 1-2 teaspoons in 500 ml of water. Bring to the boil and simmer for 10 – 15 min. Strain and drink 3 times per day
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This product is grown in an organic and regenerative fashion with as minimal use of insecticides, pesticides, herbicides and fungicides as possible, in certified organic fertilizer. The product is certified food grade. It is not certified organic. Suitable for Kosher, Halaal and Hindi diets.